Monday, August 29, 2011

Pinterest Love!

Sooooo I know I haven't blogged in FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i really miss it!! for real!!! I just wanted to post to tell everyone who is not on PINTEREST.COM you need to look on there!! They have ideas from Cooking, to crafts, to holiday ideas, clothing combinations, shower ideas, baby ideas EVERYTHING imaginable!! it's so fun!  It's actually virtual bulletin boards that you can click repin on something you like and it will pin it to your very own board and keep it in different categories.  You have to invite your self to sign up (i know that sounds wierd but it's just an email to yourself that confirms.  anyways that's mainly all i wanted to say about that.
 click on the p

Some encouragment for today that has helped me recently b/c of a series at our church is

Hebrews 13:5

New International Version (NIV)

5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,
“Never will I leave you;
never will I forsake you.”[a]

Being content with what we have is so important, I mean b/c WHY do we think we need more, or ever want more, I want my treasure to be in HIM.  We as americans really do not realize how blessed we actually are.  Everything is his!! It's such a humbling to thing when you give God credit for everything you have and everything you are able to give.  He gave soooo much for us, now we have to give back.

Something else we have been talking about in the Girls discipleship on Sunday nights is Proverbs 31 and we are at the part about being trustworthy, and ya know the study is for "supposed" to be for them, but it's really helped me evaluate and want to do better in areas of my life as well. I love that! ,